D.A. Loss Associates is very excited to be named the representative for Construction Specialties in eastern Wisconsin. C-S product lines include Acrovyn Wall Coverings and Doors, Entrance Mats, Explosion Relief Vents, Cubicle Tracks, Expansion Joints, Corner Guards and Handrails. Pictured above is the Acrovyn Door which is used throughout the United States in healthcare and other institutional settings.
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Total Door manufactures an integrated door system designed to be pocketed into the wall and out of the way. Door systems can be provided in a full range of architectural metals, woods, or films.
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Jeff Loss interviewed for the January Locksmith Ledger.
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Jeff Loss was made a Fellow (FDHI) for the Door And Hardware Institute.
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Find out why bathroom design is essential to any business... including Apple.
Why Steve Jobs Obsessed About Office Design